The mood is somber. Everyone watches our Heavenly Father, who called this session. He begins, Am I the only one concerned with that post? Jesus, How so? The Holy Spirit smiles knowingly. God, Well, for one thing it makes me look like some ego maniac! Peter bites his lip. You're the final seat of power through Christ. You must have an authoritarian aspect, says Joseph. So what's that business about the line on the floor? That's not biblical, quips God. God continues, in fact, being judged individually isn't really emphasized that much. Of course each person will account for every thought and action, but I can do all people in one session. Jesus chuckles. And it implies that I might zap someone right in the throne room. The whole tone really makes me angry! Says God. Simon the zealot chimes in, yeah that's so old testament! God: thank you Simon. Anyway, Holy Spirit what do you say? Holy Spirit: it is childish. Still there's a certain cha...