Marche Slave and the Throne Room

Steve is standing outside the Heavenly Throne Room, awaiting judgement. His counseling angel instructs the proper throne room etiquette. Only speak when spoken to, and so forth. The closed doors are many stories tall. The only sound is the angel reading the standard list of do's and don'ts. Steve stands somewhat stiff. The angel finishes and incredibly the doors slowly swing open.

Marche Slave by Tchaikovsky begins. As the Throne Room becomes visible there is a massive orchestra playing. The Throne, twelve patriarchs, twelve apostles and the four living creatures are all there.

The angel reminds Steve, don't cross the line on the floor, remember poor little Carl, he crossed the line.

Carl? Steve asks blankly.

As they walk forward the music becomes deafening. Steve stops well short of the line.

The sound goes through Steve like he's thin tissue. God bobs His head and taps a foot to the music.

Excuse me, excuuuse me. Steve can't hear himself. Jesus glances his direction, but ignores his mouth moving.

Finally Steve begins waving his arms and jumping up and down.

The four living creatures watch Steve and the line with laser like concentration. The angel grimaces and steps back. The fourth eagle like creature watches like a hawk.

God raises a hand and the room falls silent. Still ignoring Steve, God turns to Peter. Is the music too loud? Peter replies, well, there's no ignoring it. God asks Andrew. Andrew shakes his head in the affirmative.
You mean you've all been listening to it like this for two thousand years? Thomas smiles sheepishly.

Steve glances at the angel who is staring at the floor.

Will Steve make the grade? Only your Creator knows for sure.



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